The Recovery Rounds are our softest Rounds and are designed to hydrate tissues so we move and feel better. But where and how can we use them to earn best results? Follow along with us as we demonstrate our evidence-based techniques in many "forgotten" areas that can help unleash mobility, recovery, and quality movement. We'll take you through some pre and post movement assessments to determine what is working best for you personally so you continue moving forward in your self-care plan, fitness class design, etc.

We'll also cover how we can improve communication between the nervous system and our muscles and fascia and bring more awareness to how your body, while also unlocking tissue restrictions and imbalances that are often prevalent across the body so we are less likely to encounter injuries.


What's included?

  • Upper body and lower body routines you can easily modify to your needs
  • 24/7 lifetime access to all videos
  • Printable PDF User Guide
  • Information about fascia and human movement

Ideal for those interested in:

  • Improving mobility and recovery
  • Reducing stress
  • Designing personal or class fitness sessions
  • Reducing the chances of injury
  • Moving and feeling better